
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Helping Out

Sometimes we find ourselves in a position when we can help others... it can be little things like, a smile, holding a door, letting someone pull out in front of you instead of making them wait for the line of cars behind you... the list goes on and on.

I've mentioned before I help out at my daughters school quite often, but I don't just volunteer my time... another way I help is through photos.  Since I am at the school so often and get to witness little things here & there that other parents miss, I try my best to capture it on camera.  Like this morning for instance, the school was putting on a Christmas performance with the Kindergartners & 1st graders (Dutch group 1 & 2) for the parents, my husband & I arrived early and had great seats.  Turns out our daughter was in the back and there was no seat in which we really could have seen her.  Since I wasn't really able to capture her I decided to help out other parents I know that didn't have the best seats or only a phone for a camera.  I took pics of as many kids as I could and emailed the photos to their parents when I returned home.  Trust me, I wish I had those photos of my daughter, but at least I know I made someone happy.

Another way I help people out is by donating items instead of throwing them away.  What a waste to just toss a perfectly good shirt or household item in the trash when there are plenty of people with very little in their homes.  For a couple months now I have been collecting random items in one of our old moving boxes, and today (or tomorrow) is the day they finally get taken to the charity shop.  Hopefully in time to help someone out before Christmas.  I don't always take our old goods to just one secondhand shop, I  have been known to hit up 3 in one day just to spread the goods, and some items even go into a different container to be donated instead of resold.

So during this Christmas season (and throughout the new year), try and every once in a while to help someone else out.  If we all did one small kind act a week (or day) think about how much happiness we could spread!

Bye! Dag! Adios! Namaste! Salut!
:) Danica


  1. You have a good heart, and I am glad having you as a friend!
    Life would be much better with more people like you.
    Le hasard de la vie nous a fait rencontrer, je le remercie!

    1. Thank you! Who knew our paths would cross, and happy they did! Toujours agréable de faire un ami parmi les connaissances :)
