In my house music is very common, and my daughter has grown to enjoy music as much as us. We like to crank it up after my husband gets home from work and dance around the living room, great family music moments!

One album we are all enjoying at the moment is Mumford & Sons (they're a British folk rock band). It seems to be the running background music of our lives over the past two weeks. It's funny how you can like an album so much you will listen to it repeatedly. I remember at one time thinking Kings of Leon would never get taken out of rotation, but eventually they all get replaced. As of now Mumford & Sons is taking their slot on our playlists. Then there is always Adele, she's great, I think everyone can appreciate her talent. She's also someone we can listen to with the entire family or individually. I'll often turn on one of the above albums while I'm writing, they're soothing, don't distract, and have a lot of emotion to them. From what I understand Adele has become quite popular in The States but I'm not sure about Mumford & Sons... so for the ones of you who have never heard of these albums you really should give them a chance. Now if I'm not listening to mellow British music, I'm listening to American rap, I love it!

I love any music that will get me dancing but there's something special about rap. I wish I could say I outgrew it as a teenager but I didn't. I also wish I could say there are a lot of great rap albums out today, but I can't. Other than dancing to it, I really enjoy exercising to it. It's peppy enough to get me moving, yet has this aggression to it to keep me motivated on the crosstrainer. The past couple of weeks I have either listened to Flo-rida or Nicki Minaj while exercising. My husband also appreciates rap but he can't stand Flo-rida; he's more of an Eminem type. And Nicki Minaj just makes fun rap, she's a little eccentric and that definitely reflects in her album. I'm sure you've read this and lost a bit of respect for me, but you have to understand I enjoy a variety of music. Before driving lessons I like to listen to Andrea Bocelli, and while growing up I almost played out my Phantom of the Opera cassette tape. And I enjoy Metallica as much as I enjoy The Beach Boys! I hope you all have music moments throughout your day!
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