Here's another follow-up post! It's not that I'm out of things to talk about I just wanted to share some great albums with you.

What's playing in the background as I work on my blog and books? I keep switching because I can't decide which album I like better. There's stiff competition between Fun. - Some Nights & Lana Del Rey - Born To Die. They're not exactly the type of music I have always listened to, who knew I liked Indie Pop; my husband says it's because I'm getting older so the music I listen to isn't as intense. Maybe he's right, or maybe I haven't heard any rap or rock albums that really interest me lately. Well, except for Jay-Z & Kanye West's album - Watch the Throne. Needless to say there are some great songs on the above albums, besides their main singles you should listen to Carry On & National Anthem.

What's playing while I'm exercising. Rihanna's 4th & 5th albums, Rated R & Loud. I still can't believe how many popular songs/albums she has pumped out over the years, she's on #6 now. She makes great music for dancing and exercising. My daughter also loves her music, unfortunately she's not allowed to watch any of the videos because of their intensity. Actually there are few videos my daughter is allowed to watch, most of them are quite disturbing these days. Sometimes my husband and I flip on the music channel (not MTV because they don't even play music) and after a few videos we look over at each other questioning what we were just exposed to. We're not prude, it's just most videos these days are strange, they'll do anything to get a rise out of you. (Seriously I'm not getting old.)

What's playing in the house that my daughter enjoys? Right now thanks to American Idol she's enjoying Creedence Clearwater Revival. We just play a best hits albums and she thoroughly enjoys it. Even at 2 yrs old she can appreciate real music and instruments. And since the entire family loves oldies, you'll also occasionally hear the Forrest Gump soundtrack, and if it's just the girls even the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. I think movie soundtracks are a great place to find a good compilation of music. Plus you get the added benefit of having great movie scenes pop into mind when you hear the songs, it's an all around fun experience. Since American Idol had such strong contenders this season, we are also eagerly awaiting albums from Joshua Ledet & Phillip Phillips.
I hope all of you have background music in your lives. Whether singing along in your car, bopping around your living room, or just kicking back and taking it in, everyone should have
music moments.
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